Just when I thought things were getting easy, Boeing threw a curve ball at me. Did you know that the main landing gear of the 767-400 is different from the -200 and -300 variants? I sure as heck didn’t, and I didn’t realize my mistake until I was just about to call this template “done”.
Yeah, for some reason or another the MLG (main landing gear) just didn’t look right to me, but I brushed it off thinking that things always look different in perfect side profile views such as this. But just to make sure, I did a bit more research to confirm my thinking. Drat! The MLG is actually quite a bit more advanced on this stretched version of the 767, and understandably so given how much more weight it needs to support. Back to the drawing board…

Another main difference (that I already knew about) between this stretched version and the others is that the wings feature blended winglets. These winglets are not the same as the larger and more pronounced versions offered on the 767-300 – instead, they were actually designed to be an integral part of the wing.
They look great – though they are very subtle and hardly noticeable to the untrained eye. The good news is that we’ll be seeing this design in the next generation versions of the 777.
Anyway, I’m not really sure how popular this template is going to be considering the fact that there are very few airlines who fly this type. Delta and United have most of them, and there were very few other airlines outside the US who had any interest. Perhaps they’ll end up overseas once DL and UA let go of theirs, but for now, this is primarily a US-specific airplane. But still – I had to do it in order to make my 767 collection complete!